Thursday, June 19, 2014

Shout-out to the great team at Dony & Pony

Want to take a moment to congratulate John, Dave and everyone and Dog & Pony for their profile in Mix magazine.

John took a chance on hiring me when I was fresh out of school and it's great to see that the studio he built up is getting some well-deserved national press.

While I don't long for the desert heat of Vegas, I miss the crew there and all the sounds coming out of the studio on a daily basis.

Randy Thom on the sound design of How to Train Your Dragon 2

Like many people in post sound, I greatly admire the work of sound designer Randy Thom. He's one of the best in my opinion about sharing his knowledge with the world, which is sometimes rare for someone as talented as he is.

For the release of How to Train Your Dragon 2, Randy gave an excellent interview with NPR. If you have the time to visit my little blog, then it's definitely worth your time to give it a listen!

For anybody else who's fascinated by what Randy has to say, I highly recommend this Soundworks Collection video profile of Flight. It's one of the best Soundworks has done because Randy really takes the time to breakdown the sound design and the thought process behind it.